Still confused when asked about this country . About deliberative democracy or State . Many say if Indonesia is a democratic country and many are said State deliberation .

Viewing conditions at this time , there has been a destruction of the joints Homeland life . As a result the State is no longer able to fully protect all the people of Indonesia and the Indonesian homeland , promote the general welfare and educating the nation and participate in the establishment of a world order based on freedom , lasting peace and social justice . As based on the 1945 opening of the 4th paragraph .

This problem has occurred because of the Indonesian nation in building the nation and state are no longer strengthens the ropes friendship and mutual assistance among the nation in an effort to strengthen the foundation of the Homeland through deliberation . As we know deliberations will form stronger ties of friendship and soul rope please help .

However , deliberations have been abandoned and replaced by a democracy in an effort to fill and continue the struggle for Indonesian independence movement . Therefore , the weaker and deteriorate rope friendship and mutual help among fellow soul .

Deliberation and democracy are two methods of solving problems of the world. Why is that , because of deliberation resulted in a decision called consensus , consensus decision here means accepted by all parties , no party is disadvantaged . While democracy resulted in a decision called a determination of which party won the election held .

Consensus as a result of deliberation the decision was the result of a process of filing the basics of thinking to solve the problem disuatu agreed with institutes / assemblies . While the democratic process has always set the vote count as the winner through a basic decision -hosted by a kepanitian organizations that carry out the selection .

Therefore , the process of deliberation is more likely to use the right to speak not of the voting rights . Therefore the meeting will be to rely on the ability of science to the problem of a person who completed and the process will educate the audience in attendance . The process of democracy is the right to vote more than the right to speak . This process will be determined by the bond strength of one's perspective on a person , an individual , or a group . And that a transfer of knowledge will be very weak case.

And it can be concluded that the consultation process will form one more to become a leader , while the democratic process is more likely to form a ruling. We are sorry if there is anything wrong in this writing . So thank you .

Regards UG